Sunday, November 24, 2013

CEPS Society ♥

Within the last few years, social media has become more integral in the lives of students. I will never forget the day I joined Facebook when I was at age of 13, my mother was always bothering me as I was wasting my time on Facebook instead of studying. Now as I am university student, Facebook to me is more than important. The most important thing in Facebook to me is the CEPS-SQU group that I am joining which is for commerce students. As other educational committees in the world, Oman's universities take place to get social especially in Sultan Qaboos University.

If not daily, in fact every two days I check the page of CEPS-SQU to know what is updated in term of exhibition, conferences, workshops and even in business news. Anyone of commerce student should join the group not just to share knowledge. Students interact actively in the group as they share activities with each other that related to studies and careers, exchange notes, lessons, experiences, ask and get answers.

You can join us in our group #CEPS-SQU :)

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