Monday, November 4, 2013

Back to BBM :O !

I remember in 2009 most of my friends bought a BlackBerry device. They were found of the company super fast messaging and chatting app (BBM) to the extent that I can tell they had bought a BB just to use BBM like people. The device innovative hardware keyboard and the app resulted in a new level of effectiveness and swiftness. Two years later, most of my friends replaced their phones by iPhones and Androids.
I am one of the BBM users who use the WhatsApp at the same time, which has the same concept of BBM. The few things I prefer in BBM over WhatsApp, and the other main messaging Apps. Firstly, in BBM there is no phone number which gives you control over who is connected via the App, so I can say that BBM is safe than other chatting apps because I choose my contacts with adding who I want via PIN . Secondly, BBM Groups – Shared Calendar for up to 30 people, a todo list you can assign functions to people, and a photo sharing with comments section. In addition, the Delivered & Read notifications that give you delivered to Server (grey checkbox) delivered to device (Blue D) Read by user (Green R).
Now BBM is available for iphone and Android and around 20 million people download it. The funniest issue is that all my friends that got rid of BB have get back to BBM in their iphone and android.
 As everyone know that iphone and android have better features than BlackBerry but I still have my BB and love my keyboard and other features on my Q10.

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