Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Social Media: a life after death !

Imagine that you are setting in front of your laptop and accessing the internet, suddenly a reminder from Facebook Timeline or Google+ circle, in your twitter feed or MySpace stream or even on your LinkedIn profile shown that someone from your contact is dead!

It's really one of the strange topics that I was reading yesterday talking about a man was reminded in a private message that one of the highly respected politicians receiving birthday greetings from him on Facebook had died last year. A quick update to “Happy Birthday in Heaven”.

Well, the new generation has grown up with social media very much a part of their lives. When someone dies, they are no longer physically here, but their digital self lives on. That’s what the statistics prove that there are more than 5 million accounts on Facebook that are inactive due to death. Actually, it is all about policies regarding the death of its users that many social media let have. For example Facebook, Google+, twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and others.

But the question is, when we die who takes control of our social media network? As the writer of the article said “Perhaps a ‘fan page’ or ‘community page’ would be a good alternative to keeping the love alive,” Yes I agree with him because some people like to go through the photos and videos...etc of those they care about and remember them in their good moments.

*Here is one of the services that help to manage a digital life after death which is My Webwill :)

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